Live Workshops


Empathy for Skeptics

Learn why empathy is an important skill for everyone to develop, how empathetic behaviors relate to professional and personal success, identify empathetic strategies and practices you can implement immediately, and develop a plan for continued development. Live in-person or virtual.

Empathy for Leaders

These workshops focus how and why to develop empathy and perspective-taking (applied empathy) as a skill for leaders in business. Live in-person or virtual.

Empathy for Educators

These workshops focus how and why to develop empathy and perspective-taking (applied empathy) as a skill for higher education practitioners (i.e., student affairs professionals, administrators, and faculty/instructors). Live in-person or virtual.

Empathy & Equity

This workshop will focus on the ways to understand layers of privilege and how privilege and marginalization impacts one’s position, strategies to respond and work through any resultant guilt and shame with a focus on self-compassion as a tool to develop empathy. Live in-person or virtual.

Let’s discuss what workshop and format will work best for your group.